The BT Young Scientist Exhibition 2018
On January 8th we went to the BT Young Scientist Exhibition in the RDS in Dublin. We went to school at seven o clock in the morning in our tracksuits. It was a long ride and an exciting trip and it was a lot of fun.
It was dark and foggy when we left the school, some people were still half alsleep. We chatted amongst ourselves while some people were on their devices. Some boys in our class were waving at the buses and trucks that passed by, then a kid in our class started to give out sweets. We didn't run into any Garda checkpoints. When we arrived there the RDS the bus parked and we got out of the bus. We were all exited to go see what it was like inside, we lined up outside and waited to go in.
The Primary Science Fair was exciting and it had lots of stands, such as Fidget Friend or Foe? Another was about that chewing gum helps you with homework and listening to music makes you cycle faster on a bike. Another stand we saw was 'Is the Five Second Rule Fake?' The group found out it was!
Some of the stands we enjoyed were - Lets do more with Ch4. The school was Colaiste Mhuire from Askeaton, Co. Limerick & there were lots more Limerick schools represented such as John the Baptist in Hospital, Árd Scoil Rís & Laurel Hill Coláiste. Perhaps when we're older we'll get the opportunity to represent our schools.
There were a lot of shows to attend at the RDS some shows you could attend were World of Robots, Drumming Workshop, Ministry of science and more. One show we did attend was A Journey to Space, unfortunately we didn't have enough time to attend them all.
On the journey home we stopped in Junction 14. We ordered food from Super Macs, ate it then got back on the bus. On the way home we were very happy so going home was faster for us. Most of us were on our phones while the rest of us chatted to each other. When we got to the school our parents were there waiting to pick us up after our long day.
At the end of the day we learned some very interesting facts. We thought it was a great day & we would love to go again.
by Matthew Greville 5th Class