1. Social Distancing: Children will be seated in class, observing the 1m social distancing guideline set out by the Department of Education. They will remain in 'Class Bubbles' for the full school day and will not interact with other classes inside or outside the school building.
2. Drop-offs and Pick-ups: We will have staggered drop-offs and pick-ups based alphabetically (in family 'Pods'). Parents are to observe social distancing regulations at all times. If at all possible, please remain in your car and allow your child/children to walk in independently in the mornings. (exceptions would be Junior and Senior Infants)
9:00 Children with Surnames from A-F
9:10 Children with Surnames from G-M
9:20 Children with Surnames from N-Z
* Please be punctual.
At 3 o'clock pick-up, parents should parallel park along by the footpath adjacent to the Parish Field or at the Parish Hall if coming from that side or at the GAA pitch if coming from the Ballybricken side.
Children from 3rd-6th will leave the school yard, and walk to parents' cars. 1st & 2nd class pupils who don’t have older siblings will be escorted by their teacher along the path to their cars.
Please be patient and mindful of other children.
2:55 Pupils board bus
3:00 5th & 6th class pupils and siblings leave followed by each class groping, in staggered groups.
3. Breaktimes: Children will play in set Zones in the yard. Zones will be painted on the school yard to ensure that Class Bubbles do not mix at break times. They will play outdoors on most days, with the exception of extreme weather. Please ensure that your child has waterproof coat that he/she can manage on their own.
4. Hygiene : Hand hygiene is crucially important. Please practice the correct washing of hands at home with your children before the return to school. Hands have to be washed each morning before your child/ren come to school. https://www.olchc.ie/About-Us/News/Learn-about-hand-hygiene-and-preventing-the-spread-of-coronavirus-COVID-19-.html
Sanitiser is available in all classrooms and will be used during the school day. Hands will be washed by all children in each class at the recommended times during the day.
Our school cleaning regime has increased in frequency and also in thoroughness. Pupils desks will be cleaned on a daily basis along with many other measures.
Toys will be sanitised or rotated as appropriate in accordance with best practice guidelines. Children should bring a small pack of tissues to school with them.
***Your child should NOT bring hand sanitiser to school, unless he/she has a skin condition and needs special sanitiser.
5. Uniforms :
School Tracksuits are to be worn Mon, Wed and Friday.
Uniforms are to be worn on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
*Uniforms to be worn on the first day of school.
6. School Books: All rental books are assigned to one child for the year and are covered with wipeable contact. Please cover all other books and copies with contact or a similar wipeable covering.
7. Sharing: while we have always encouraged children to share and have shared resources between children and classes in the past, for the foreseeable future we will be doing the very opposite. Each child will have their belongings in a box and should not share with others.
Ensure that your child can manage their own lunch as staff will have to minimise physical contact with children and will not be able to help open packaging etc.
8. Contacts: All parents should contact the office if they have changed phone number or email address [email protected].
9. Unwell pupils/staff: Pupils and staff should stay at home if they have a high temperature, cough, breathing difficulties or loss of taste or smell. If a child becomes unwell at school we will follow the HSE guidelines and parents will be contacted to come immediately.
Parents will be in formed of a confirmed case in the school.
10. Foreign travel: Please refer to Dept. of Health Guidelines
11. Wellbeing: Every effort will be made to ensure that children are comfortable in school and understand all routines. We will work on filling in the gaps and moving on academically from where your child is at.
If any parents/guardians need to inform us of a child's health concerns please do so before we reopen in order for us to be fully prepared for the safe return of your child.