Loads of plastic is being used everyday - water bottles, straws, etc and its hurting the environment but does it make any difference to me? No it doesn't but it will soon because everyday harmful fumes are going into the atmosphere and soon it will be too late. We need to be more sustainable and reduce our carbon footprint. We need to recycle and not throw away rubbish into the ocean or street, the everyone can live a happy healthy life with clean air.
More and more people are dying from Covid but does that matter to me? Yes because everyone deserves a chance at life and its very sad when it's taken away by this horrible disease. People aren't listening to the rules or wearing masks in places they should so as a result they end up spreading the virus and making more people sick. Soon we might end up in lockdown again if people don't start listening to the rules. I hope they do because it's very sad to hear on the news more and more people are dying because of it.it.
Hi my name is Kassie and I am a writer who does non-fiction writing and I recently just finished writing about World War 2 and that was very emotional because of my great-great grandfather. It was tragic, he was shot in the chest at least 4 times, he died before he got to the hospital even though they tried everything they could. However my book is a new bestseller in America. But does it make a difference to you? Well I’ll let you decide for yourself but I would think it would.
Climate Change is a huge problem that’s happening around the world right now.
The world is changing a lot, to be exact it’s heating up and it’s causing the temperature to rise which means extreme weather and natural disasters which if you didn’t know is an extremely bad thing, and it’s not just the earth that’s causing these changes it’s us human beings as well. If we continue dumping our rubbish in the oceans or cutting down trees and not replacing them something bad will happen. You might be asking yourself but does this make any difference to me ? Well of course it does if we don’t stop doing these things by 2050 who knows what will happen. Transport is very important but people should consider cycling instead of driving in situations where possible. And burn more fat and not fuel to help protect the environment. Electric cars aren't affordable to most people because of one reason or another but cycling is for everybody. Cars are give to much credit even though they're harmful to the environment, cars are seen as ways of showing off or valued as the only method of transport when in actuality bikes are just as stylish and equally as useful and get you as far as necessary on most occasions
One day I was walking my dog . It was a warm sunny day , everything seemed peaceful. All of a sudden a dog runs over to me . I check if it has a collar , it didn’t . I took no notice of the incident and soon after forgot all about it . A few days later I was walking my dog again and I saw a sign pinned to a sign post . It had a photo of the dog I had seen a few a days ago on it . It said that the dog was missing . I thought does it make any difference to me ? Eventually I decided to call the number on the sign , and I told them I had seen their dog . A few they found the dog .
I was walking in the park one day and I saw a group of people picking on someone. I waited their watching for a while. Eventually they stopped, but when I went for a walk the next day they were back, and the next day after that. I couldn't stand it so I walked over and said 'why are you doing that' then they said 'why does it make a difference to you ' then in my head I said 'why does it make any difference to me ' then out loud I said 'it makes a difference to me because you're picking on someone and that's not nice, does that answer your question ' I never saw them picking in anyone ever again.
My wrists ached as he gripped my forearm tightly. I could feel the beast below me, who soon made it known it would not wait any longer for its feast. A deafening roar shook the ship. The Captain looked down at me, grinning. "Any last words, little mermaid?" I gritted my teeth. I hate asking for mercy. "Please Captain, my people need me!". He laughed. "Ah yes, but does that make any difference to me?" As he let go and I fell to what seemed to be my death, I knew it was not the end. For when there is suffering, a hero will rise to end it...
Kayla came with a paper in her hand. “Look what I found on the schools bulletin board!” Kayla showed me a paper saying ‘Polar bears in Danger’ in bold writing. “ Oh that sounds interesting, could I take it home to read it?” I asked “Sure” she replied. During break, Ciara came with the paper and I started reading it. As I came to this sentence I read it out loud saying “Due to climate change, Ice has been melting because the temperature has gone higher.” “but does it make any difference to me?” Ciara said. “No but it does to the animals silly!” I said walking out of the school.
Let's start at the beginning.
You might be wondering what's going on well, the beginning starts at World War Two. I was asked to fight for my country but my mom and dad disagreed. Would that stop me? Would it be wrong to go against my mom and dad? Does this make a difference to me? No. All I have been doing in my life was waiting for a chance to shine. So I said yes, yes I will! My mom and dad were shocked but I knew I could not turn this offer down. To be continued...…. Covid 19 numbers are high but does it make any difference to me? Yes because it means that my family and I are at risk of Covid and If I get Covid I am risking giving Covid to my nana. If she gets Covid then she will be really sick as she is elderly. We wear masks in our classroom to minimise the risk of giving Covid to each other and we also sanitise and wash our hands. Some people in our class have been vaccinated because they're twelve. However I'm not old enough to get vaccinated because I’m only eleven and you have to be twelve to get vaccinated.
My Aunt was going on Holiday to Canada and I asked her would she mind getting me a present for my mum, I wanted to get her something different that would not be got in Ireland. It was my mums birthday and I wanted it to be special.
My Aunt sent me a postcard from Canada 🇨🇦 with a clue on it of what she got. There was the sun, a pair of sunglasses and a little man on it. I couldn't wait to see what she got. I was so excited. When my aunt came home she gave me a cool, whacky, very different pair of sunglasses with pink fluffy feathers around the glasses. Mum was delighted and wore them every where. Mum wanted to wear them when she was collecting me from school. But would it make a difference to me (YES) I said I would be very embarrassed. The Covid numbers are going up, up, up every day. Lots of people are sick and some need to go to hospital. What are we going to do? I think the Government will tell all sports to stop soon. But does it make any difference to me? No, because my sports football and camogie are finished for this year anyway. Other people might be sad because soccer and rugby are played during the winter. We can only hope that the government will make the right decisions to keep us all safe.
Dear Diary,
Today I was at the local park with my friends. There was a big pink and blue ice-cream truck, at the other side of the park. My friends really wanted some ice-cream, but one of my friends didn’t have enough money so I said does that make any difference to me as I would happily pay for it. She was so grateful and she said she would pay me back the next time I saw her. So my friends and I got some chocolate ice-cream and it was so yummy! Today was a good day. The Soccer Match It was a Sunday morning in August my match was at 12:00. We left at 11:30 so we could be there early to practice before the match. It was a cup final against Kilmallock. Holycross had an advantage because we were at home. The first half started and I was playing up front as a striker. There was 5 minutes left in the first half and the score was even but then Lily made a skillful pass to me and I scored, we were so thrilled. The other team were disappointed and the goalkeeper said "why does that matter to me it is not my fault". No one scored in the second half and Holycross won, it was an exciting game.
War is going on everywhere, in Pakistan, Afghanistan and many more countries. We are lucky to have safe homes and not be scared to walk out on the street or scared to be shot, but does it make a difference to me, no. We are lucky to have warm homes and not to be homeless or living on the streets, we are lucky to have technology and to be able to do these things, to be able to get in touch with our friends and family. We are lucky to not be affected by war.
Hi my name is Josh. This is my story.
I woke up late as usual for school, and I looked out the window and I saw my bus leaving. I quickly ran out the door and I just about made it to the bus before it was gone. When I was on the bus I remembered that mum had said to me that she had something important to tell me after school. It was like any other day in school, as boring as each day go’s by, but all I could think of was what mum had to tell me. When school was over I went home. What happened next had me flabbergasted! My mum said “We are moving to England next month”. I asked, “why?” what she said next was, “but does it make any difference to you?” We moved to England and I started in my new school. I made a lot of new friends and enjoyed my new life there. Every day I walk by a Factory, it would puff out black and grey smoke clouds nonstop for hours on end. Today I saw the Factory on the Television. Lots and lots of people were protesting and yelling how bad it is to the environment, “Think of the future our children may have if we keep polluting the world with smoke!” said someone from the crowd.
I had no idea why they wanted the factory to shut down but the only thing I could hear in my head over and over was “But does it make any difference to me?” The climate is changing and while trying to help make this situation better, life around us is changing as well. To ensure that life is changing for a better climate we need to be able to do more for the environment, but does that make any difference to me, when you think about it maybe it does but if it does hopefully it's for the better of myself and the earth. An important thing to look at is how much we are talking about doing something about climate change and then not doing so much about our problem. Your actions show more than your words.
The best form of transport is driving your own car because of lock down and you can go wherever and whenever you want.
Driving a car can have harmful effects on the planet, for example fumes come out of the car which is harmful to the environment. I do think long distance travelling should be restricted except for medical or emergency reasons. If people could not travel, the environment would be in a better position. There would be less pollution. I think people should drive electric cars and cycle, as this will help the environment. A couple of years ago when I was in third class, I clashed with somebody in school. It was a freak accident. After we clashed heads I had a very very deep cut on my forehead. I ended up having to go to the hospital in Limerick city to get stitches on my forehead. I ended up with thirty nine stitches in my forehead. Luckily nothing serious happened to my head apart from the cut. Does it make any difference to me? Fortunately it did not affect me at all. I had to stay out of sport for a couple of weeks until my forehead healed up and got a few days off school.
These days the news is full of big problems, like climate change, COVID, hunger, homelessness, the war in Afghanistan, shortage of medical staff here in Ireland the list goes on. Millions of people suffer in many different ways each day but does it affect me? Luckily for me many of those things do not personally affect me but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t care or try make a change or try to help. No matter how small the change, it can make a difference. If all of us make one change, we’ll all be one step closer to having a more equal happy and sustainable planet. So I may not be homeless and starving or sick with COVID but that doesn’t mean I can’t make a difference. I can still stand up for what I believe in and encourage others to do the same.
Lucy love to cycle to school every day. On one fateful morning something different happened that changed her life forever. Unlike every other morning when she cycled to school on quite roads, on this day it seemed there was an awful panic in the air. First, she heard the sirens of a police car and then a speeding motorbike came into view. He almost clipped her as he sped past. Then he came to a sudden stop causing a taxi to swerve directly into her path and then everything went black. She woke up hours later in hospital surrounded by her loved ones and was very lucky to survive with just minor injuries. She wasn’t sure she’d ever want to cycle again.
I was driving to work one day and I was running late when my car ran out of petrol. I didn't know what to do so I called my friend Tom to help me. He said he could collect me in his electric car in ten minutes. I was so relieved that I have Tom as a friend. His electric car is amazing. It is so environmentally friendly, they have zero emissions, a long battery life, lower maintenance and are a lot quieter than normal cars. They are better for our health with the zero emissions. I think everyone should have one. They are way better than normal cars. I am definitely going to get an electric car as normal cars are killing our planet.
I'm looking at the newspaper and I see that Liverpool beat Arsenal 4-0.WOW. ‘What else?’ I say to myself, What is going on today? I’m searching for something interesting.
‘Sport’ ‘Climate change big one’ ‘Covid-19’ ‘Housing shortage’ ‘The extinction of Indian Elephants’ My heart sank, an animal was gone forever. I look again and then I see, ‘Orangutans also extinct’ I almost fell to the ground. Another animal gone for good. I go to school and nobody knows about it. My friend asks me ‘What's wrong?’ ‘The, the...’ I stumbled for a second, ‘The Indian Elephant is extinct and so is the Orangutan!’ ‘Are you sure?’ he says, ‘YES!’ I shouted. And then my alarm went off and I woke up. If they were to become extinct would it make a difference to me? |
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